Walnut Grove Baptist Church
622 South Bethel Road
Decatur, Alabama 35603
(Google Maps indicates that our church is located at a Hartselle address - which is not the case.
The map below is otherwise correct!)
622 South Bethel Road
Decatur, Alabama 35603
(Google Maps indicates that our church is located at a Hartselle address - which is not the case.
The map below is otherwise correct!)
GPS coordinates 34.491548, -86.895994
Walnut Grove is at 622 South Bethel Road. From Decatur, follow Highway 67 to Priceville,
pass the I-65 overpass and turn right (south) onto Bethel Road. WGBC is only a few miles (2.7)
after that turn, on the right.
From Hartselle, follow Highway 36 East, turn left at the light (north) onto Bethel Road.
The church is about 5 miles from the turn on the left.
pass the I-65 overpass and turn right (south) onto Bethel Road. WGBC is only a few miles (2.7)
after that turn, on the right.
From Hartselle, follow Highway 36 East, turn left at the light (north) onto Bethel Road.
The church is about 5 miles from the turn on the left.