Someone who doesn't believe in God will never feel that they need God - or anything about God.
If you do not believe in God - and you do not believe that you are in any kind of spiritual, physical, or mental danger - then, you will have no interest in becoming a Christian.
But, if you DO believe in God - and you are seeking Him because you feel that you NEED Him - He may be leading you to Himself.
When we disobey God's Commands, the Bible describes that as SIN. And the Bible states that EVERY human in history has sinned. Sinning is not about making God mad - sin is dangerous, and harmful, and destructive. Doing things contrary to God's will or living our lives outside of God's ways always lead to trouble and pain. The trouble and pain are not from God - they are from our sin.
"Everyone has sinned and fallen short of God's Perfect Standard." Romans 3:23
"All sin brings its own built in payday - it is Death in every form imaginable." Romans 6:23
We make many mistakes in our lives that are not technically or biblically SIN. They are errors in judgment, making wrong choices, or making poor decisions.
Sometimes there are just bad things, bad circumstances, or bad people that surround us - they hurt us, hold us down, influence us negatively, and lead us into darkness and despair.
When this happens in a human life - they need help, they need to be rescued, they need to be saved.
Your first step in God's direction is to be able to honestly admit that you need to be saved.
B Believe that Jesus is the Savior.
If you believe in God - and you believe that He is drawing you to Himself, and that He can save you, and that He WANTS to save you - then you must also believe that Jesus is God's Son AND Jesus is God's Savior.
JESUS is the one God sent to the world to save us.
"God loved the world so much that He sent His Only Son (Jesus), so that anyone could believe in Him and escape Eternal Death and have Eternal Life instead." John 3:16
"Everyone who decided to believe in Jesus - God gave them the right to become His Children." John 1:12
C Confess Jesus as your Savior and Lord.
A confession is a formal statement that expresses truth, intent, and belief.
"If you make a formal spoken confession that Jesus is your Lord, because you believe in your heart that God raised Him from Death - He will save you.
Because we believe with our heart into Righteousness (being right with God), and then our confession can bring us into Salvation." Romans 10:9-10
You can become a Christian right now by praying a prayer like this one:
"God, I believe that you are leading me to Yourself. I believe that you want to save me.
I Admit that I need to be saved.
I Believe that You sent Jesus to Earth to be the only Savior.
Because of that, I Confess Jesus as my Savior and Lord. God, I believe that Jesus died for me, but that you raised Him from the dead."
The Bible says: "Whoever calls out this way to the Lord - will be saved." Romans 10:13
If you prayed that prayer - then you can believe that God has kept the promises of His Word and He has saved you - and immediately adopted you into His Family.
If you have just begun this journey - do not try to make it by yourself. Let us know about your decision so that we can help you learn about your new life.
Send us the information below and let us help YOU, as someone else has helped US. Fill in all of the required fields and then click "I Prayed" to send it to our pastor. He will contact you to offer his help and assistance as you start out on your new path - as a Christian.